Monday, January 23, 2017

Baba Ramdev's Yog Yatra: Exercise to get cure from paralysis, polio

In this episode of Yog Yatra, Baba Ramdev explains Yoga to stay cure from Paralysis, Polio and other Nervous System related issues.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Top Six Side Effects of Turmeric

When to Avoid Turmeric (Haldi, Indian Spice or Herb)

  • 1) Blood Pressure and Diabetes Medication : Using a high amount of turmeric in any form may lead to low blood pressure or blood sugar. Hence, people taking medication for diabetes or high blood pressure should apply caution.
  • 2) When You have Blood-Clotting Disorder : The spice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it can also have an adverse effect if combined with anti-clotting medications, which may result in bruising and bleeding. It is also important to stop taking turmeric supplements two weeks before a surgical procedure to avoid its blood-thinning effects.
  • 3) If You are Pregnant or Breastfeeding : Experts advise pregnant women to avoid taking high doses of turmeric to prevent any side effects.
  • 4) If You suffer from Excessive Stomach Acid : If it is taken in high doses may increase the acid levels in the stomach which can damage the esophagus’ lining if it starts rising.
  • 5) If You have Gallbladder Problems : Turmeric can do two things for your gallbladder. The spice can aid in regulating the amount of bile the gallbladder produces, or it can obstruct the bile duct and cause the formation of gallstones. However, the latter effect is only going to happen if your gallbladder is not in a good condition.
  • 6) If You suffer from Liver Problems : Some studies showed that intake of turmeric has an effect on how the organ processes some drugs and may lead to liver problems. In relation to that, experts now stress for people with a liver condition to practice caution when taking turmeric supplements.
Keep in mind that the standard and safe dosage for turmeric is 400-600mg of the powder, taken 1 to 3 times daily.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

शरीर के चक्र (Human Chakras)

1. मूलाधार चक्र :
यह शरीर का पहला चक्र है। गुदा और लिंग के बीच चार पंखुरियों वाला यह "आधार चक्र" है। 99.9% लोगों की चेतना इसी चक्र पर अटकी रहती है और वे इसी चक्र में रहकर मर जाते हैं। उनकी ऊर्जा इसी चक्र के आसपास एकत्रित रहती है।

मंत्र : "लं"
कैसे जाग्रत करें : मनुष्य तब तक पशुवत है, जब तक कि वह इस चक्र में जी रहा है.! इसीलिए भोग, निद्रा और संभोग पर संयम रखते हुए इस चक्र पर लगातार ध्यािन लगाने से यह चक्र जाग्रत होने लगता है। इसको जाग्रत करने का दूसरा नियम है यम और नियम का पालन करते हुए साक्षी भाव में रहना।
प्रभाव : इस चक्र के जाग्रत होने पर व्यक्ति के भीतरवीरता, निर्भीकता और आनंद का भाव जाग्रत हो जाता है। सिद्धियां प्राप्त करने के लिए वीरता, निर्भीकता और जागरूकता का होना जरूरी है।

2. स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र 
यह वह चक्र लिंग मूल से चार अंगुल ऊपर स्थित है, जिसकी छ: पंखुरियां हैं। अगर आपकी ऊर्जा इस चक्र पर ही एकत्रित है, वह आपके जीवन में आमोद-प्रमोद, मनोरंजन, घूमना-फिरना और मौज-मस्ती करने की प्रधानता रहेगी। यह सब करते हुए ही आपका जीवन कब व्यतीत हो जाएगा आपको पता भी नहीं चलेगा और हाथ फिर भी खाली रह जाएंगे।

मंत्र : "वं"
कैसे जाग्रत करें : जीवन में मनोरंजन जरूरी है, लेकिन मनोरंजन की आदत नहीं। मनोरंजन भी व्यक्ति की चेतना को बेहोशी में धकेलता है। फिल्म सच्ची नहीं होती. लेकिन उससे जुड़कर आप जो अनुभव करते हैं वह आपके बेहोश जीवन जीने का प्रमाण है। नाटक और मनोरंजन सच नहीं होते।
प्रभाव : इसके जाग्रत होने पर क्रूरता, गर्व, आलस्य, प्रमाद, अवज्ञा, अविश्वास आदि दुर्गणों का नाश होता है। सिद्धियां प्राप्त करने के लिए जरूरी है कि उक्त सारे दुर्गुण समाप्त हो, तभी सिद्धियां आपका द्वार खटखटाएंगी।

3. मणिपुर चक्र :
नाभि के मूल में स्थित रक्त वर्ण का यह चक्र शरीर के अंतर्गत "मणिपुर" नामक तीसरा चक्र है, जो दस कमल पंखुरियों से युक्त है। जिस व्यक्ति की चेतना या ऊर्जा यहां एकत्रित है उसे काम करने की धुन-सी रहती है। ऐसे लोगों को कर्मयोगी कहते हैं। ये लोग दुनिया का हर कार्य करने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं।

मंत्र : "रं"
कैसे जाग्रत करें: आपके कार्य को सकारात्मक आयाम देने के लिए इस चक्र पर ध्यान लगाएंगे। पेट से श्वास लें।
प्रभाव : इसके सक्रिय होने से तृष्णा, ईर्ष्या, चुगली, लज्जा, भय, घृणा, मोह आदि कषाय-कल्मष दूर हो जाते हैं। यह चक्र मूल रूप से आत्मशक्ति प्रदान करता है। सिद्धियां प्राप्त करने के लिए आत्मवान होना जरूरी है। आत्मवान होने के लिए यह अनुभव करना जरूरी है कि आप शरीर नहीं, आत्मा हैं। आत्मशक्ति, आत्मबल और आत्मसम्मान के साथ जीवन का कोई भी लक्ष्य दुर्लभ नहीं।

4. अनाहत चक्र
हृदय स्थल में स्थित स्वर्णिम वर्ण का द्वादश दल कमल की पंखुड़ियों से युक्त द्वादश स्वर्णाक्षरों से सुशोभित चक्र ही "अनाहत चक्र" है। अगर आपकी ऊर्जा अनाहत में सक्रिय है, तो आप एक सृजनशील व्यक्ति होंगे। हर क्षण आप कुछ न कुछ नया रचने की सोचते हैं.

मंत्र : "यं"
कैसे जाग्रत करें : हृदय पर संयम करने और ध्यान लगाने से यह चक्र जाग्रत होने लगता है। खासकर रात्रि को सोने से पूर्व इस चक्र पर ध्यान लगाने से यह अभ्यास से जाग्रत होने लगता है और "सुषुम्ना" इस चक्र को भेदकर ऊपर गमन करने लगती है।
प्रभाव : इसके सक्रिय होने पर लिप्सा, कपट, हिंसा, कुतर्क, चिंता, मोह, दंभ, अविवेक और अहंकार समाप्त हो जाते हैं। इस चक्र के जाग्रत होने से व्यक्ति के भीतर प्रेम और संवेदना का जागरण होता है। इसके जाग्रत होने पर व्यक्ति के समय ज्ञान स्वत: ही प्रकट होने लगता है। व्यक्ति अत्यंत आत्मविश्वस्त, सुरक्षित, चारित्रिक रूप से जिम्मेदार एवं भावनात्मक रूप से संतुलित व्यक्तित्व बन जाता हैं। ऐसा व्यक्ति अत्यंत हितैषी एवं बिना किसी स्वार्थ के मानवता प्रेमी एवं सर्वप्रिय बन जाता है।

5.विशुद्ध चक्र
कंठ में सरस्वती का स्थान है, जहां "विशुद्ध चक्र" है और जो सोलह पंखुरियों वाला है। सामान्यतौर पर यदि आपकी ऊर्जा इस चक्र के आसपास एकत्रित है, तो आप अति शक्तिशाली होंगे।

मंत्र : "हं"
कैसे जाग्रत करें : कंठ में संयम करने और ध्यान लगाने से यह चक्र Iजाग्रत होने लगता है।
प्रभाव : इसके जाग्रत होने कर सोलह कलाओं और सोलह विभूतियों का ज्ञान हो जाता है। इसके जाग्रत होने से जहां भूख और प्यास को रोका जा सकता है वहीं मौसम के प्रभाव को भी रोका जा सकता है।

6. आज्ञाचक्र :
भ्रूमध्य (दोनों आंखों के बीच भृकुटी में) में "आज्ञा-चक्र" है। सामान्यतौर पर जिस व्यक्ति की ऊर्जा यहां ज्यादा सक्रिय है, तो ऐसा व्यक्ति बौद्धिक रूप से संपन्न, संवेदनशील और तेज दिमाग का बन जाता है लेकिन वह सब कुछ जानने के बावजूद मौन रहता है। "बौद्धिक सिद्धि" कहते हैं।

मंत्र : "ॐ"
कैसे जाग्रत करें : भृकुटी के मध्य ध्यान लगाते हुए साक्षी भाव में रहने से यह चक्र जाग्रत होने लगता है।
प्रभाव : यहां अपार शक्तियां और सिद्धियां निवास करती हैं। इस "आज्ञा चक्र" का जागरण होने से ये सभी शक्तियां जाग पड़ती हैं, व्यक्ति एक सिद्धपुरुष बन जाता है।

7. सहस्रार चक्र :
"सहस्रार" की स्थिति मस्तिष्क के मध्य भाग में है अर्थात जहां चोटी रखते हैं। यदि व्यक्ति यम, नियम का पालन करते हुए यहां तक पहुंच गया है तो वह आनंदमय शरीर में स्थित हो गया है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को संसार, संन्यास और सिद्धियों से कोई मतलब नहीं रहता है।
कैसे जाग्रत करें : "मूलाधार" से होते हुए ही "सहस्रार" तक पहुंचा जा सकता है। लगातार ध्यान करते रहने से यह "चक्र" जाग्रत हो जाता है और व्यक्ति परमहंस के पद को प्राप्त कर लेता है।
प्रभाव : शरीर संरचना में इस स्थान पर अनेक महत्वपूर्ण विद्युतीय और जैवीय विद्युत का संग्रह है। यही "मोक्ष" का द्वार है।

Saturday, November 28, 2015

3-in-1 Foot and Leg Massager

The Shiatsu foot and leg massager offers 3 fabulous kneading massage programs and 3 vibration/intensity modes so you chose the type of massage you want. The flexible kneading rollers do a fantastic job of emulating the feel of a professional massage. The vibrating foot plate is covered with reflexology nodes that stimulate the soles of the feet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Easy Steps to Walk on your Hands (Hindi) (1080p HD)

Watch out easy to do hand walking on your hands by Amit Kaushik. (Physical Trainer, Uklana) (Voice : Hindi)

Hand walking is an unusual form of human locomotion in which a person travels in a vertically inverted orientation with all body weight resting on the hands. 

When walking on the hands, you do not have to rely on your hands or arms so much for balance as you can just ‘fall’ in a direction and catch yourself with a step of the hands. 

Walking on your hands is the logical next move after you have learned to do a handstand. 

It certainly demonstrates ones strength, flexibility and agility. This activity is often seen in acrobatics, gymnastics and the circus.

While hand walking, you need to maintain control while you walk and not rely on catching yourself from falling out of balance.

Because the body is inverted during hand walking, blood pressure in the brain is greater than normal.

You have to choose a roomy location with a soft, flat surface. A park, garden, or gym mat would work well for this exercise. Be sure to allow yourself enough space to perform the move; you need more room than you would for a simple handstand. It can help to have a sturdy wall nearby you can practice walking next to.

This skill requires great strength of the hands, forearms and upper body.

Before you start walking on your hands, you need to learn how to balance in place and gain control over your movements. Keep practicing your handstand until you are able to easily move into position 

Easy Steps for Hand Walking
  • First practice by doing push ups in various positions including in a handstand.
  • Practice the handstand against the wall - get confident and also build up your strength.
  • Hold Position : Keep your legs straight up and balance yourself. Hold your legs together for balance and steadiness. Once you’re feeling comfortable, allow your spotter to let go.
  • Then try your hand walking. You may need to practice your balance but walking on your hands actually helps with the balance.
  • Roll out when you are finished : Bend your legs back down from the waist and plant your feet on the ground. 
  • As you start moving around, you will need to constantly adjust your legs and torso to stay balanced. If you start to tip back in the direction of your stomach, move your legs more over your head.
  • The goal is to find your sweet spot, which means to center your body's weight as directly over your hands as possible. 
  • Try to keep your hands directly under your feet at all times. When trying to walk forwards, tilt your body forwards slightly and then move your hands to be underneath your body, and repeat.
Walking is one of the simplest, cheapest and safest forms of exercise, offering a number of important health gains. The beneficial effect of walking can be improved if we do walking on your hands (or hand standing) for few minutes. 

Benefits of Hand Walking
  • It will help to improve muscular strength and endurance of the both the upper and lower body.
  • During hand walking, you are able to strengthen the muscles in your arms and tone your legs
  • While walking on hands can increase energy expenditure and improve our circulatory systems. This increased energy expenditure can help you burn more calories.
Interesting Record : Johann Hurlinger was an Austrian man who walked on his hands from Paris toVienna in 1900. Hurlinger walked on his hands 10 hours a day for 55 days. He averaged 1.58 miles per hour and traversed 870 miles.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Benefits of Jogging

Are you planning to shed a few stones? Then jogging will help you reach your weight loss goal. Daily jog will help you lose the weight in a healthy way as compared to taking a pill, having weight loss surgery, or using a crash diet to reach your fitness goals. 

If you have a sleeping disorder, jogging will be able to help you. When you jog you will be able to sleep better. 

There are more benefits from jogging and running as follow :

Healthy Heart

One of the most beneficial parts of daily jogging is a healthier heart. By 30 minute daily jog, your heart will grow stronger and healthier. Running will help you increase your blood circulation and overall improves your health. You will live longer and remain healthier throughout your life if you continue your jogging habit on a regular basis throughout your life. 

Weight Loss

One of the biggest benefits of daily jog is weight loss. Individuals who are looking to lose weight and get healthy would benefit from a daily jog. Jogging increases the body's metabolism and helps burn fat. You can lose significant amount of body fat by just jogging for a few minutes every day.

Helpful in Insomnia

When you are doing a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every day, your sleep habits will benefit. If you are suffering from insomnia, then jogging each morning will help you sleep better in the night. Jogging allow you to be more relaxed at the end of the day, get better sleep and have an overall restful night. 

Stamina Builder

Amongst the many benefits of jogging daily, stamina building is one of the primary benefits. Good stamina increases your capacity to work through out the day and helps you lead an active life. Once you start jogging you will be more active and then the changes will be there for everyone to see. 

Strengthen Bone Density

The benefits of jogging include strengthening of the muscles and increasing bone density of the back, hips and legs. Long distance runners have thin and weak looking legs but they are as strong as can be. Jogging can stimulate the development of mineral density inn your bones. 

Burn Abdominal Fat

If you have been trying hard to get rid of abdominal fat, then you should try jogging. Jogging is an excellent fat burning exercise which targets abdominal fat to a great extent, thereby reducing fat around the waist, hip and abdomen. It can be considered to be one of the most effective abdominal fat removal exercises. 

Improve Appetite

A lot of people feel to have low appetite. Such people can try jogging to increase their appetite. Now all that you eat will be used to repair and refuel your muscles, thus ending up in your losing weight. 

Cardiovascular Exercise

Jogging minimizes heart attacks as it strengthens our heart and reduces blood pressure. Due to Jogging, our lungs also become strong and we inhale more oxygen, thus increasing the capacity of the blood to transport more of those essential nutrients to our body.

Fights Aging

Jogging is helpful to stop bone and muscle loss which happens with aging. When you jog regularly, you will be able to keep bones strong with your aging. Exercise can affect at the cellular level by reversing some of the adverse effects of stress that are aging related.

Fight Diseases

Jogging helps in fighting diseases like heart stroke, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis as it improve our immune system to fight diseases. 

Mental Health

30 minutes of daily exercise releases endorphins into your system. This helps you in depression and makes you feel better on a daily basis. Jogging can help relieve stress and allow you to clear your mind, leaving you feeling mentally at ease. Individuals who exercise, feel better about themselves, their lives, and everything that is going on around them. 

Eating Healthier

Jogging can help you to take better food choices. Running on a daily basis is an effort to be healthier and you always try to take healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a bag of potato chips. You will have tendency to drink water, juice or tea and less soda after regular jogging. Running helps to have mindset to be healthier and live healthier. 

Fight Some Cancers

Jogging is helpful in the prevention of some cancers. Jogging help you in the better oxygenation of the entire body. Cells that do not get adequate supplies of oxygen have been known to mutate more vigorously. Jogging increases the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body, helping prevent some cancers.

Fight Diabetes

Diabetes is a health condition that can be caused primarily by obesity and inactivity. Jogging also helps control and prevents diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight is directly increasing your risk of developing diabetes. Having healthy lifestyle can prevent you from acquiring this debilitating condition. Jogging can enhance the sensitivity to insulin of your body. Insulin helps in stabilizing the levels of blood glucose.

Jogging is an activity that can do at your own effort. It is not an excuse that you do not want to jog. Jogging does not require you to have special skills. It does not also require you to undergo prior training.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thursday, December 18, 2014

कुछ सूत्र जो याद रक्खे

  • चाय के साथ कोई भी नमकीन चीज नहीं खानी चाहिए। दूध और नमक का संयोग सफ़ेद दाग या किसी भी स्किन डीजीज को जन्म दे सकता है, बाल असमय सफ़ेद होना या बाल झड़ना भी स्किन डीजीज ही है।
  • सर्व प्रथम यह जान लीजिये कि कोई भी आयुर्वेदिक दवा खाली पेट खाई जाती है और दवा खाने से आधे घंटे के अंदर कुछ खाना अति आवश्यक होता है, नहीं तो दवा की गरमी आपको बेचैन कर देगी।
  • दूध या दूध की बनी किसी भी चीज के साथ दही ,नमक, इमली, खरबूजा,बेल, नारियल, मूली, तोरई,तिल ,तेल, कुल्थी, सत्तू, खटाई, नहीं खानी चाहिए।
  • दही के साथ खरबूजा, पनीर, दूध और खीर नहीं खानी चाहिए।
  • गर्म जल के साथ शहद कभी नही लेना चाहिए।
  • ठंडे जल के साथ घी, तेल, खरबूज, अमरूद, ककड़ी, खीरा, जामुन ,मूंगफली कभी नहीं।
  • शहद के साथ मूली , अंगूर, गरम खाद्य या गर्म जल कभी नहीं।
  • खीर के साथ सत्तू, शराब, खटाई, खिचड़ी ,कटहल कभी नहीं।
  • घी के साथ बराबर मात्र1 में शहद भूल कर भी नहीं खाना चाहिए ये तुरंत जहर का काम करेगा।
  • तरबूज के साथ पुदीना या ठंडा पानी कभी नहीं।
  • चावल के साथ सिरका कभी नहीं।
  • चाय के साथ ककड़ी खीरा भी कभी मत खाएं।
  • खरबूज के साथ दूध, दही, लहसून और मूली कभी नहीं।
कुछ चीजों को एक साथ खाना अमृत का काम करता है जैसे-
  • खरबूजे के साथ चीनी
  • इमली के साथ गुड
  • गाजर और मेथी का साग
  • बथुआ और दही का रायता
  • मकई के साथ मट्ठा
  • अमरुद के साथ सौंफ
  • तरबूज के साथ गुड
  • मूली और मूली के पत्ते
  • अनाज या दाल के साथ दूध या दही
  • आम के साथ गाय का दूध
  • चावल के साथ दही
  • खजूर के साथ दूध
  • चावल के साथ नारियल की गिरी
  • केले के साथ इलायची
कभी कभी कुछ चीजें बहुत पसंद होने के कारण हम ज्यादा बहुत ज्यादा खा लेते हैं।

ऎसी चीजो के बारे में बताते हैं जो अगर आपने ज्यादा खा ली हैं तो कैसे पचाई जाएँ ----
  • केले की अधिकता में दो छोटी इलायची
  • आम पचाने के लिए आधा चम्म्च सोंठ का चूर्ण और गुड
  • जामुन ज्यादा खा लिया तो ३-४ चुटकी नमक
  • सेब ज्यादा हो जाए तो दालचीनी का चूर्ण एक ग्राम
  • खरबूज के लिए आधा कप चीनी का शरबत
  • तरबूज के लिए सिर्फ एक लौंग
  • अमरूद के लिए सौंफ
  • नींबू के लिए नमक
  • बेर के लिए सिरका
  • गन्ना ज्यादा चूस लिया हो तो ३-४ बेर खा लीजिये
  • चावल ज्यादा खा लिया है तो आधा चम्म्च अजवाइन पानी से निगल लीजिये
  • बैगन के लिए सरसो का तेल एक चम्म्च
  • मूली ज्यादा खा ली हो तो एक चम्म्च काला तिल चबा लीजिये
  • बेसन ज्यादा खाया हो तो मूली के पत्ते चबाएं
  • खाना ज्यादा खा लिया है तो थोड़ी दही खाइये
  • मटर ज्यादा खाई हो तो अदरक चबाएं
  • इमली या उड़द की दाल या मूंगफली या शकरकंद या जिमीकंद ज्यादा खा लीजिये तो फिर गुड खाइये
  • मुंग या चने की दाल ज्यादा खाये हों तो एक चम्म्च सिरका पी लीजिये
  • मकई ज्यादा खा गये हो तो मट्ठा पीजिये
  • घी या खीर ज्यादा खा गये हों तो काली मिर्च चबाएं
  • खुरमानी ज्यादा हो जाए तोठंडा पानी पीयें
  • पूरी कचौड़ी ज्यादा हो जाए तो गर्म पानी पीजिये
अगर सम्भव हो तो भोजन के साथ दो नींबू का रस आपको जरूर ले लेना चाहिए या पानी में मिला कर पीजिये या भोजन में निचोड़ लीजिये , ८०% बीमारियों से बचे रहेंगे।

अब ये देखिये कि किस महीने में क्या नही खाना चाहिए और क्या जरूर खाना चाहिए ---
  • चैत में गुड बिलकुल नहीं खाना ,नीम की पत्ती /फल, फूल खूब चबाना।
  • बैसाख में नया तेल नहीं खाना ,चावल खूब खाएं।
  • जेठ में दोपहर में चलना मना है, दोपहर में सोना जरुरी है।
  • आषाढ़ में पका बेल खाना मना है, घर की मरम्मत जरूरी है।
  • सावन में साग खाना मना है, हर्रे खाना जरूरी है।
  • भादो मे दही मत खाना, चना खाना जरुरी है।
  • कुवार में करेला मना है, गुड खाना जरुरी है।
  • कार्तिक में जमीन पर सोना मना है, मूली खाना जरूरी है।
  • अगहन में जीरा नहीं खाना , तेल खाना जरुरी है।
  • पूस में धनिया नहीं खाना, दूध पीना जरूरी है।
  • माघ में मिश्री मत खाना ,खिचड़ी खाना जरुरी है।
  • फागुन में चना मत खाना, प्रातः स्नान और नाश्ता जरुरी है।

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Health Benefits of Curd

Curd (Yoghurt) is a semisolid preparation of milk prepared by fermentation. It has zero carbohydrates, zero sugar, and zero trans-fats with 20 % calcium for bones. Curd has various health benefits. They are as follow : 
  • It helps to improve the digestive system.
  • Curd helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • It helps to manage with stomach problems.
  • It is beneficial for dealing with osteoporosis.
  • Consuming curd or yogurt increases the capacity to absorb the nutrients and minerals form other food stuffs.
  • It proves beneficial for the lactose intolerant as they can gain all the nutritive contents of milk through curd.
  • Consumption of curd provides relief to the person suffering from dysentery.
  • Consuming curd proves beneficial for those suffering from vaginal infection.
  • It helps to get strong bones and teeth as its calcium content is high.
  • It helps to minimise the risk of high blood pressure.
  • It help in managing high level of cholesterol.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Health Benefits of Raw Garlic

We can use garlic in our juices, in our smoothies, in our salads, or in soups, rice or other meals. We prefer to use it in its raw form, because the beneficial chemical from Garlic, called Allicin disappears when cooked. Garlic is incredibly nutritious.

1 ounce (28 grams) Serving of garlic contains (approximate 3 piece) :
  • Manganese : 23% of RDA
  • Vitamin B6 : 17% of RDA
  • Vitamin C : 15% of RDA
  • Selenium : 6% of RDA
  • Fiber : 1 gram
Decent amounts of Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron and Vitamin B1.

Some benefits of Garlic are as follow :
  • Anti-Inflammatory 
  • It keeps Heart healthy.
  • High in Antioxidants
  • Garlic keeps our Immune System strong.
  • Garlic is proven to help reduce Blood Pressure (almost as powerful as Adenol)
  • It helps reduce LDL.
  • Garlic can help reduce Dementia and Alzheimer.
  • It helps to detoxify heavy metals.
  • Garlic may help improve Bone Health.
There are recipes of nutritious juice as follow :
  • 8 Carrots.
  • 8 ribs Celery
  • 1/2 Beet with its Greens
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • 2 cups Parsley
This will make about 1 liter of fresh Juice.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Natural and Herbal Diets for Diabetes (Complete Guidance) (Hindi) (1080p...

An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many diseases. So it is better to avoid a diet high in fat, salt and refined oil, carbohydrates, smoking, excess consumption of alcohol and high stress levels.

Diabetes is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism characterized by increased fasting and post blood sugar levels.

Studies conducted in India shown that not only is the prevalence of diabetes high but also that it is increasing rapidly in the urban population. It is estimated that there are approximately 33 million adults with diabetes in India.

Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder resulting from either insulin insufficiency or insulin dysfunction.

Patients suffering from diabetes Type II are unable to respond to insulin and can be treated with dietary changes, exercise and medication. 

Symptoms for diabetes Type II may include : 
  • high levels of sugar in the blood; 
  • unusual thirst; 
  • frequent urination; 
  • extreme hunger and loss of weight; 
  • blurred vision; 
  • nausea and vomiting; 
  • extreme weakness and tiredness; 
  • irritability, mood changes etc.
Natural Treatment for Diabetes Type II :

  • Bitter gourd is highly recommended as an alternative treatment for diabetes mellitus. If raw bitter gourd is available, diabetic people can eat it raw, blend it into a juice, or add it to their favorite salads and soups.
  • Soak a few seeds (1/4 tsps) of methi in water overnight, In the morning, gulp down the methi along with the water.
  • Jamun fruit is considered as an effective medicine for diabetes considering its effect on pancreas. The seeds too can be dried, powdered and had with water twice a day. The leaves of the Jamun tree are useful in reducing the sugar levels. 100 grams of this fruit consumed per day can do wonders to the blood glucose levels. 
  • Gooseberry/amla juice too cuts the blood sugar levels.
  • Neem has anti-diabetic properties as well. It has been found to reduce insulin requirements by up to 50%. 
  • Basil leaves bring about a significant reduction in the blood glucose level. It is recommended to extract the juice from the Basil leaves and consume it. 
  • Lady's Finger helps to slow down the absorption of glucose from the intestine. You can soak one lady's finger slit in the middle in a glass of water overnight and consume it on an empty stomach. 
  • Beans help to slow down the digestion process thereby preventing the rise in blood glucose level. 
  • Papaya has natural blood sugar controlling capability that helps to control diabetes so it is recommended to consume papaya on a daily basis.
  • Cinnamon has beneficial anti-diabetic properties. It is recommended to take half spoon of cinnamon powder everyday. 
  • Fig leaves can be directly chewed on an empty stomach, or the leaves can be boiled in water and the water can be drunk like tea.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water is the juice in the endosperm of young coconut.

The water is actually obtained by opening a tender, green, healthy, and undamaged coconut. Inside, it's liquid is sweet and sterile and composed of unique chemicals such as sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, cytokine and phyto-hormones. 

Young and slightly immature coconuts harvested when they are about 5-7 months of age for the drink. Any nuts younger than five months of age tend to be bitter in taste and devoid of nutrients.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water
  • Cardiovascular Health : Coconut water helps improve blood circulation, lowers high blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues. It is also said to control your blood sugar levels.
  • Reduces Blood Pressure : A disproportionate level of electrolytes can result in high blood pressure. Because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism.
  • Kidney Stones : Due to its minerals content (Potassium and Magnesium), coconut water is beneficial to a person suffering from kidney stones. This water also acts as a diuretic as it increases the flow and production of urine. It recommend to drink coconut water every alternate day as it can reduce the size of kidney stones and even help eliminate them.
  • Boosts Hydration : The ingredients in coconut water are way more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks. During rigorous exercise or extended periods of physical activity, the human body loses mineral-rich fluids. Coconut water serves as an excellent replacement medium. Despite very light consistency, its water has much better composition of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc than some of the fruits like oranges. Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink that provides many of the same benefits as formulated sports drinks, including the electrolytes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium but in their natural form. The minerals are plant based where as sports drinks, spring water and tap water are all metallic based. 
  • Improve Digestion : Due to its high concentration of fiber, it aids in the prevention of indigestion and reduces the occurrence of acid reflux. Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerases etc. These enzymes help in the digestion and metabolism.
  • Vitamins : Coconut water is also a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that the human body requires them from external sources to replenish. It is low in fat though rich in vitamins and the potassium level is twice the amount found in bananas.
  • Compatible with Human Blood : Coconut water's chemical profile is so similar to blood plasma. As it is isotonic to human plasma, coconut water can be used in severe emergencies to quickly rehydrate the human body.
  • Help to maintain Sugar Level : It is excellent drink for diabetics as it is good in nutrients required by diabetics to keep their sugar levels in control. Coconut water's helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces plaque formation, moderates sugar absorption and improves insulin sensitivity. Regular consumption of coconut water increases the metabolism rate which helps to burn sugar a lot faster.
  • Weight Loss : The fat content in coconut water is extremely low. It also suppresses the appetite because of its rich nature. It's cholesterol free, fat free, low in carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars.
  • Anti Aging : Coconut water contains cytokines and lauric acid, the two important elements which are used in the process of cell growth and their regulation. It is a natural source of cytokinins, a group of plant growth hormones that help regulate cell growth, development and ageing. Rich in potassium, antioxidants and lauric acid, cytokinins are said to balance pH levels, strengthen and hydrate connective tissues and even reduce the risk of age-related diseases. Cytokinins has an anti-aging effect on human cells and tissues. When human cells are exposed to cytokinins, aging slows down considerably. Cells treated with cytokinins don't undergo the normal degenerative changes.
  • Alkalizing Effect : Coconut water has an alkalizing effect on your body which can help correct the cumulative effects of acidifying foods that make up most diets today.
Coconut Milk and Coconut Water

In mature coconuts, the endosperm solidifies and thickens to form a white edible kernel. Coconut milk is obtained by grating and grinding this kernel with water and passing it through a sieve. Coconut milk is very different from coconut water as this is very high in fat content. 

Coconut milk comprises of about 50 percent fat/protein and 50 percent water whereas Coconut water is a clear, light, refreshing liquid (95 percent water) extracted from young, green coconuts that have not reached maturity.

How to Drink
  • Enjoy the coconut drink without any additions.
  • Iced coconut water can be a refreshing drink.
  • Fresh water can be made special drink adding lemon slices, mint leaves, orange zest, etc.
Coconut water can be consumed at the start of each day to foster the balance of these electrolytes. Drink it in the morning for some extra energy or to rehydrate you after a long night's sleep

Drink it in the afternoon to get you out of a slump or after working out to replenish lost electrolytes. 

Once a coconut is cut open, the water should be consumed quickly as exposure of coconut water to air can result in loss of nutrients. The fresher the coconut water, the better. Once exposed to air and warm temperatures, it rapidly ferments and loses its nutritional value.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Natural Methods to cure Thyroid - Baba Ramdev

Thyroid occurs due to drinking or eating high or low temperature foods. Sometimes it is genetic. Thyroid has many complications.

Do kapalbhati Pranayam for 15-30 minutes. Do Ujjayi Pranayam 7-11-21 times daily. Asans for thyroid are Sarvangasan, Halasan. But these asans should not be done by heart, high Bp and any type of Spinal Problem patients. Acupressure is also good for Thyroid. Do it for 2-5 minutes daily. The patients having thyroid from many years can also be cured with this method. This makes the balance of T3, T4 and TSH.

Ayurvedic Medicines
  • 50 gm Trikatu Churna
  • 10 gm Praval Pishti or Godhanti Bhasma
  • Take these medicines half spoon with honey.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Benefits of Naturopathy ~ Dr Manav Madan Part 2 (Hindi)

Watch out brief benefits of Naturopathy by Dr Manav Madan (Naturopathy Therapist, Bhiwani). He has told important Naturopathy remedies related to good health and general diseases.

Body has natural tendency to heal and naturopathy only facilitates the process of healing through energy of nature. The role of a naturopathic doctor is focused on stimulating the body's natural abilities to recover leveraging non-invasive means.

Naturopathy aims to support the body's ability to heal itself through the use of dietary and lifestyle changes together.

In Naturopathy, Disease is considered effect of some imbalance in the elements like air, water and other natural factors such as food.

An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many diseases. So it is better to avoid a diet high in fat, salt and refined oil, carbohydrates, smoking, excess consumption of alcohol and high stress levels.

Since we fall unwell only when we go against Nature, the cause of diseases (toxins) is expelled from the body to cure it. All disorders are believed to be caused by what you eat and what you don't eat.

Hence, a traditional Indian doctor will first make slight adjustments to your diet before he prescribes a medicine, which is the last choice.

Fasting has been described as Nature's way to recover. A thorough rest, which includes fasting, is the most favorable condition in which an ailing body can purify and recover itself.

Naturopathy advocates a new life style with corrective habits such as exercise, a good diet and a moderate approach towards all things. Naturopathic life style should be viewed as a method of disease prevention.

People can go to Naturopaths for colds, bronchitis, allergies, as well as for heart disease, diabetes, and malignant diseases.

Naturopaths Tips for Cold :

For cough, cold and fever, Lemon is very effective. Squeeze a lemon in a glass full of water and drink repeatedly. This will cure all of the three ailments. But if the fever is high and makes one thirsty, boil the water. This will bring down the fever and reduce the thirst. If the cold is severe, it can be added to the required amount of honey in the above mixture.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Benefits of Naturopathy ~ Dr Manav Madan (Hindi)

Watch out brief benefits of Naturopathy by Dr Manav Madan (Naturopathy Therapist, Bhiwani). He has told important Naturopathy remedies related to good health and general diseases.

Body has natural tendency to heal and naturopathy only facilitates the process of healing through energy of nature. The role of a naturopathic doctor is focused on stimulating the body's natural abilities to recover leveraging non-invasive means.

Naturopathy aims to support the body's ability to heal itself through the use of dietary and lifestyle changes together.

In Naturopathy, Disease is considered effect of some imbalance in the elements like air, water and other natural factors such as food.

An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many diseases. So it is better to avoid a diet high in fat, salt and refined oil, carbohydrates, smoking, excess consumption of alcohol and high stress levels.

Since we fall unwell only when we go against Nature, the cause of diseases (toxins) is expelled from the body to cure it. All disorders are believed to be caused by what you eat and what you don't eat.

Hence, a traditional Indian doctor will first make slight adjustments to your diet before he prescribes a medicine, which is the last choice.

Fasting has been described as Nature's way to recover. A thorough rest, which includes fasting, is the most favorable condition in which an ailing body can purify and recover itself.

Naturopathy advocates a new life style with corrective habits such as exercise, a good diet and a moderate approach towards all things. Naturopathic life style should be viewed as a method of disease prevention.

People can go to Naturopaths for colds, bronchitis, allergies, as well as for heart disease, diabetes, and malignant diseases.

Naturopaths Tips for Cold :

For cough, cold and fever, Lemon is very effective. Squeeze a lemon in a glass full of water and drink repeatedly. This will cure all of the three ailments. But if the fever is high and makes one thirsty, boil the water. This will bring down the fever and reduce the thirst. If the cold is severe, it can be added to the required amount of honey in the above mixture.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Benefits of Indian Acupressure ~ Dr Vinod Gupta (Hindi) (720p HD)

Watch out benefits of Indian Acupressure with practical demo by Dr Vinod Gupta (Acupressure Therapist, Hisar). He has demonstrated all important acupressure points related to particular body organ and general diseases. 

Acupressure is an ancient healing method that involves using skillfully pressing key points on the fingers and other parts of body to stimulate the natural healing ability of the body. When these key points are pressed, muscular tension is released which leads to enhanced blood circulation. Some of the acupressure points are significant as they are related to a specific part of the body while others are more general in their effect. 

Acupressure is usually given in a similar fashion to traditional massage. The points on the body are massaged using finger or thumb and sometimes a blunt object in a practically rapid circular motion with a medium pressure. This massage can be last between 5 and 15 minutes. Some of the most common acupressure techniques are rubbing, kneading, percussion and vibration. The points on fingers, hands, elbows, knees and feet are often used to massage other parts of the body.

Acupressure can be performed in sitting, standing or lying down position.

Acupressure is based on a theory that there is some sort of invisible energy in all individuals which flows in the body in a manner similar to that of the flow of blood. The acupressure massage therapy stimulates and activates the body’s own energies to help fight illness and restore harmony.

Acupressure has a lot of advantages for physical, spiritual, and mental health. It can helps to relieve pain, reduce strain, increase blood circulation, and provides a relaxing effect to the body. Acupressure can help in treatment of muscular pain, headaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, toothache, dizziness, menstrual pain, digestive disorders including diarrhea and constipation, nausea, motion sickness, stress and tiredness.

In conventional allopathic medicines the patient has to rely on powerful medicines which have damaging side effects on our body systems.

A person can cure his general medical problem easily by pressing specific acupressure points with a finger or thumb in his home. The limitation is that he must know the acupressure points for various organs and also the technique of performing acupressure. If wrong points are pressed, this may lead to further complications.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Benefits of Cow Urine

What is Cow Urine?

In cow blood there is pran shakti (Life Force). Cow urine is cow's blood that is filtered by kidney. Kidneys filter blood. Whatever elements are present in blood are present in cow urine also.

Ayurvedic Description of cow urine and it's Medical Use :

Ayurveda is medical branch of Vedas. "Braham vakya janardanam" Meaning Vedas have emanated from Brahma's mouth. It is for welfare of everyone. Therefore it is called aptopadesh i.e. advice by near and dear ones. Cow urine makes one disease free by prabhav (nature). "Acintya shakti iti prabhav" meaning: Inconceivable power is called "Prabhav". Prabhav is that power which cannot be conceived and described. Qualities of cow urine are stated in ayurveda.

 Description of Cow Urine according to Ayurveda

Taste :  Bitter, Hot (as in chilly), Sour, Sweet and Salty. It includes five tastes (Rasas).
Properties : Pure, toxin destroyer, germicide, balances bile, mucous and Air (Kapha, Vata, Pitta), tantrik, enhances brain power. Even if we drank alone it can destroy all diseases.

How cow urine wins over diseases :
  • Cow urine has amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of germs. All germ generated diseases are thus destroyed.
  • Cow urine balances the tridosh (mucous, bile and air) thus diseases are cured
  • Cow urine corrects functioning of liver. So, liver makes healthy pure blood. It gives disease resistance power to the body
  • Cow urine has all elements, which compensate for deficiency of nutrients in our body, which are required for healthy life
  • Cow urine contains many minerals especially Copper etc. It compensates for bodily mineral deficiency. Presence of gold salts protects body against diseases.
  • Mental tension hurts nervous system. Cow urine is called medhya and hradya, which means it, gives strength to brain and heart. Thus cow urine protects heart and brain from damages caused by mental tension and protects these organs.
Chemical description of cow urine as per modern concepts and cure of diseases accordingly.

The Chemical Effect of chemical present in cow urine on Diseases : 
  • Nitrogen  : It removes blood abnormalities and toxins. It is natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
  • Sulphur : It supports motion in large intestines. It cleanses blood.
  • Ammonia : It stabilise bile, mucous and air of body. It stabilises blood formation.
  • Copper : It controls built up of unwanted fats.
  • Iron : It maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells and Haemoglobin. It stabilises working power.
  • Urea : It affects urine formation and removal. It is germicidal.
  • Uric Acid : It removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins.
  • Phosphate : It helps in removing stones from urinary track.
  • Sodium : It purifies blood. It is Antacid.
  • Potassium : It cures hereditary rheumatism. It increases appetite. It removes muscular weakness and laziness.
  • Manganese : It is germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects decay due to gangrene.
  • Carbolic Acid : It is germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.
  • Calcium : It is Blood purifier, bone strengthener, germicidal. (Rakta skandak)
  • Salt : (Sanyas vishamta) It decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal.
  • Vitamins A, B, C, D, E : Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power.
  • Other Minerals : It increase immunity.
  • Lactose : It gives satisfaction. It strengthens Mouth, strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.
  • Enzymes : It make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity.
  • Water : It is life giver. It maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature.
  • Hipuric Acid : It removes toxins through urine.
  • Creatinin : It is germicide.
  • Aurum Hydroxide : It is germicidal and increases immunity power. It is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic.
  • Eight month pregnant cow's cow urine contain hormones which are healthy and nutritious.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Knee Massage: Do It while You View It

Massage away muscle pain and soreness from your knees. Learn massage techniques that will prevent injuries and have your knees screaming with pleasure or at least feeling better fast.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baba Ramdev - Bhastrika Pranayama (Deep Breath) - Yoga Exercise

Bhastrika Pranayama (Deep Breath Exercise) - Bhastrika Pranayama is an excellent breathing exercise. It keeps the body healthy and mind happy. Heart and brain patients must practice to get miraculous results. Depression, migraine, parkinson's disease, paralysis are completely cured, which is impossible by medicines. It should be practiced '2-minuts' minimum and '5-minuts maximum' everyday. If one should feel tired during practice, must stop immediately and resume after some relax. In the countries where normal temperature is high in summers, should NOT be practiced over 2-minuts.

Benefits :
  • This is the best breathing exercise for lungs. It makes the lungs healthy and improves strength. It directly affects all respiratory system of body and cures all lungs related problems.
  • Cold, flu, sinus, asthma are completely cured.
  • Thyroid, tonsils and all throat problems are completely cured.
  • It is very helpful to cure all heart diseases like angina, arteries blockages, etc . 
  • It is highly recommended for Brain diseases like Depression, Migraine, Parkinson's Disease, Paralysis, etc. 
  • It helps to remove impurities of blood. Vata (wind/spirit/air), pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm) are balanced so as to make body healthy.
  • It is good for concentration of mind that helps for kundalini jagran.

Precautions :
  • People suffering from high blood pressure or any chronic heart disease should avoid this Pranayama or must be done under an experienced yoga teacher.
  • While breathing in the abdominal area should not blow up. You have to fill the air in the chest area, i.e. up to diaphragm, so that the part of the chest with its ribs swells.
  • In summer season, reduce the practice of Bhastrika to 2-minuts maximum.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Shiva Swarodaya

The state of our body and mind is reflected in the alternation of the swara cycles. If either nadi predominant for too long, it is a sign of warning, that one of the branches of the autonomic nervous system is being over stressed, and only one of the brain hemispheres is being fully utilized. If ida nadi flows for a long time beyond the normal schedule, this signifies some imbalance in the mind. Or if pingla nadi flows beyond schedule, there is some sort of imbalance in the pranic body. When the physical and mental energies are imbalance, the personality is only half developed and sickness of some type is inevitable. In order to correct this situation there must be regular alternation of the swara.

The Shiva Swarodaya advises that for good health the sadhaka and yogi should maximize the flow of ida during the day and the flow of Pingla at night. We should keep in mind that yogi's life is dedicated to sadhana and not household duties. Nevertheless, by adjusting the swara in such a way, the natural tendency of the body to become overheated during the day, and overcool at night is counter balanced with wide reaching effects.

In swara yoga, it has been seen that ida and Pingla operate alternately and that they flow in rhythmic cycle.
Therefore, in order to maintain balance, harmony and equilibrium of body, mind and prana, it is said : if the air is inhaled through the left nostril, it should be expelled again through the right. Then breathing in through the right and retaining, it should be expelled through the left. This particular practice, which is known as nadi shodhana, brings regularity in the whole system and is extremely important in swara yoga for harmonizing the pranic flow. ~ Swami Muktibodhananda.

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